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Mainstreaming SSR and SSG




Advised, as part of an OECD DAC programme of consultations on security sector reform governmental and non-governmental actors in partner countries – Bolivia, Guinea Bissau and the Central African Republic – as well as in a number of donor countries and organisations – including Canada, Sweden and the EU – on how to use the OECD Handbook on SSR (2008-2009)


Advised  the OECD-DAC on the drafting of its Implementation Framework on SSR, and in particular the need to mainstream the idea that mature democracies also need to efficient and accountable security sectors (2005)



Advised members of Spain’s security and development community on mainstreaming SSR and SSG in their programme work in third countries (2009)



Advised an American audience of military, businesspersons and government on how to implement SSR in Africa (2011)

The Way I See it
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