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Feb 1, 2019
Why Russia and China may Make Serious Moves in their Near Abroads in 2019-2020 – and why they may no
Courtesy of Bing Russia and/or China Make a Move – or Don’t In the first part of this piece, I argued that there was a better than even...

Feb 1, 2019
Why Russia and China may Make Serious Moves in their Near Abroads in 2019-2020 – and why they may no
Courtesy of Bing #Russia-China Entente, #near abroad, #regional conflict, #Belarus, #Ukraine, #Taiwan, #North Korea, #Venezuela, #East...

Jul 6, 2018
NATO Defence Spending in Perspective
(A link to this article was provided in the Newsletter of the Canadian Association of Defence Organizations on 6 July:...

Oct 21, 2017
Breaking Up is Hard to do
The photo shows Rajoy and Puidgemont shaking hands in easier times. This article was originally posted on the website of the Canadian...

Jul 31, 2017
On America’s Independence Day, North Korea successfully launched a missile that some experts assert can hit targets as far away as...

Jul 20, 2017
So for Kim Jung-un, or Kim the Third as I have called him, the support for his regime from Beijing and Moscow is absolutely...

Apr 16, 2017
Defence Spending Challenges
The election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States has elevated the issue of defence spending performance to a...

Nov 11, 2016
The Malian Crisis: thinking more broadly about the security sector agenda
For the UN, the Mali deployment has been politically one of its most important to date, one of its largest in terms of numbers of...

Nov 11, 2016
The Malian Crisis: chaos in the making
Background In the 1990s, Mali was often put forward as a model of African democracy. It is not hard to understand why. Following an...

Nov 11, 2016
The Malian Crisis: a security sector perspective
This is a three-part blog contribution providing a security sector perspective on the ongoing crisis in Mali and focusing on...

Nov 4, 2016
Canada and the US Election
While Canadians do not have a vote on 8 November, you could be forgiven for believing that they do. Like in the States, this is almost...

Oct 28, 2016
Canada in Africa: integrating SSR into peace and stabilization strategies
The Government of Canada recently unveiled its approach for supporting peace operations in Africa under the name Peace and Stabilization...

Sep 2, 2015
Trumping the Donald
Think what you may of Donald Trump – buffoon, demagogue, or political neophyte – he has touched some important nerves in the American...

Feb 4, 2015
In the Aftermath of the Paris Killings
More than new security measures will be necessary if Western countries are going to have any prospect of reducing the threat of terrorism...
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