Defending Canada in a Changing Strategic Environment
Towards Yalta Two
NATO Defence Spending in Perspective
President Trump in Europe: how to discredit and dismantle an Alliance
Defence Spending Challenges
Putin and Erdogan Do a Deal (sort of)
Coup, Counter-coup, Consequences – Part 4: Where do Turkey’s relations with the West go from here?
Coup, Counter-coup, Consequences – Part 3: The turn towards authoritarianism
Coup, Counter-coup, Consequences – Part 2: The Erdogan-Gulen Connection
Coup, Counter-coup, Consequences – Part 1: The Remarkable Rise of Recip Erdogan
Brexit and the NATO Summit in Warsaw
The Future of the European Union: A Brexit wrecks it?
Ukraine and the Sino-Russian Relationship
Nukes: never again?
Strong Points of the West – Part 4 of the World War IV Series
Knocking on the door of World War IV – Part 3 of the World War IV Series
The Three Rings of Conflict – Part 2 of the World War IV Series
Getting Ready for President Putin’s Successor
America’s Chamberlain? Obama and the Challenge of American Power
The 2014 NATO Summit: President Putin’s Take