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Jan 29, 2020
The Three Dictateers I do not easily subscribe to the idea that men/women make history. I am much more at home...

Feb 1, 2019
Why Russia and China may Make Serious Moves in their Near Abroads in 2019-2020 – and why they may no
Courtesy of Bing Russia and/or China Make a Move – or Don’t In the first part of this piece, I argued that there was a better than even...

Feb 1, 2019
Why Russia and China may Make Serious Moves in their Near Abroads in 2019-2020 – and why they may no
Courtesy of Bing #Russia-China Entente, #near abroad, #regional conflict, #Belarus, #Ukraine, #Taiwan, #North Korea, #Venezuela, #East...

Jul 22, 2018
I am the centre of the universe I command respect in Russia’s smallest spaces I control the parliament I manipulate the media The...

Feb 18, 2015
Getting Ready for President Putin’s Successor
Picture from the website This blog was carried on the website of the Security Governance Group on 17 February 2015....
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