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Jun 19, 2019
A Question of Leadership
Photo courtesy of Allison Dinner/ Getty Images Merkel at Harvard I have long been a fan of Angela Merkel. I am even more so after the...

Aug 28, 2018
In Defence of Liberalism – and what Liberals Need to Do in its Defence
In a recent issue, the Economist published a plaidoyer for a revival of liberalism – not just of the American sort but of the broader...

Aug 26, 2018
La Primavera de Praga, medio siglo después
Foto del periódico ruso Kommersant en el quincuagésimo aniversario de la invasión a Checoslovaquia por el Pacto de Varsovia. (este blog...

Aug 20, 2018
The Prague Spring Half a Century on
photo from the Russian newspaper Kommersant on the fiftieth anniversary of the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia (This blog was...

Aug 1, 2018
Towards Yalta Two
1024px-Yalta_Conference_(Churchill,_Roosevelt,_Stalin)_(B&W) This blog was posted on the CDA-Institute at

Mar 22, 2018
Global Futures and their Underlying Drivers
(The view of the globe is from The Great Globe Galley.) On June 21 2018, the TopLink site of the Word Economic Forum posted a sightly...

Mar 11, 2018
Putin’s Polling Numbers – and what they may say about Russia’s future
On 18 March, Vladimir Putin will almost certainly be elected to his fourth term as President of the Russian Federation. If we include his...

Dec 18, 2017
On the Emerging American Autocracy
The victory of senatorial candidate Doug Jones in Alabama on 12 December over a racist bigot, pedophile and religious zealot, supported...

Oct 21, 2017
Breaking Up is Hard to do
The photo shows Rajoy and Puidgemont shaking hands in easier times. This article was originally posted on the website of the Canadian...

Aug 17, 2017
Descent into Dictatorship?
America’s descent into chaos moved into a higher gear this past week. It will take a lot of civil courage on the part of a lot of...

Aug 3, 2017
President Trump in Europe: how to discredit and dismantle an Alliance
At the G20 Summit that took place in Hamburg on 7-8 July, Presidents Putin and Trump met on at least three occasions. Two of them were...

Nov 4, 2016
Canada and the US Election
While Canadians do not have a vote on 8 November, you could be forgiven for believing that they do. Like in the States, this is almost...

Oct 31, 2016
Donald and Adolf
Trump and Hitler have much more than hair issues in common. Of course, the America of 2016 is not the Germany of 1933, and Donald Trump...

Oct 8, 2016
Canada in CAR ?
This blog originally appeared under the title of “Towards a Canadian Return to Peacekeeping: Part 3 – Exploring Canada’s options for a...

Sep 29, 2016
Brexit or Bremain: a long and winding road ahead?
The partisans in favour of the UK leaving the European Union (EU) prevailed with almost 52 percent of the votes cast in the referendum on...

Aug 25, 2016
Putin and Erdogan Do a Deal (sort of)
On 15 August, the Russian and Turkish Presidents met in St Petersburg. This was their first encounter since their two countries’...

Aug 3, 2016
Coup, Counter-​coup, Consequences – Part 4: Where do Turkey’s relations with the West go from here?
In the wake of the coup, Erdogan has thrown down gauntlets to the US and the EU that they will have difficulty picking up. First, Erdogan...

Aug 2, 2016
Coup, Counter-​coup, Consequences – Part 3: The turn towards authoritarianism
The third blog in this series looks at the transition of Erdogan and his AKP party to an overtly Islamist stance It is hard to pinpoint...

Jul 29, 2016
Coup, Counter-​coup, Consequences – Part 2: The Erdogan-​Gulen Connection
This, the second in a four-part series on the coup in Turkey, looks at the relationship between the erstwhile allies, President Erdogan...

Jun 30, 2016
Ukraine and the Sino-Russian Relationship
This piece served as the basis for a presentation transmitted via Skype from Kiev, Ukraine to Kingston, Canada for a conference organized...
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