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Aug 26, 2018
La Primavera de Praga, medio siglo después
Foto del periódico ruso Kommersant en el quincuagésimo aniversario de la invasión a Checoslovaquia por el Pacto de Varsovia. (este blog...

Aug 1, 2018
Towards Yalta Two
1024px-Yalta_Conference_(Churchill,_Roosevelt,_Stalin)_(B&W) This blog was posted on the CDA-Institute at

Jul 6, 2018
NATO Defence Spending in Perspective
(A link to this article was provided in the Newsletter of the Canadian Association of Defence Organizations on 6 July:...

Mar 22, 2018
Global Futures and their Underlying Drivers
(The view of the globe is from The Great Globe Galley.) On June 21 2018, the TopLink site of the Word Economic Forum posted a sightly...

Feb 11, 2018
North Korea 101
(With my apologies to the person who produced this juxtaposition – I have lost the link and cannot credit you.) This post appeared on the...

Sep 27, 2017
The Almost Perfect Ploy: how to understand the accelerated enhancement of the North Korean threat: P
This article was posted on the website of the Canadian Defence Association Institute on 19 September 2018. Photocredit: Time Magazine 20...

Sep 26, 2017
The Almost Perfect Ploy: how to understand the accelerated enhancement of the North Korean threat: P
Photo credit: Daily Telegraph, 31 August 2017. This blog was posted on the website of the Canadian Defence Association Institute on 14...

Aug 17, 2017
Descent into Dictatorship?
America’s descent into chaos moved into a higher gear this past week. It will take a lot of civil courage on the part of a lot of...

Aug 3, 2017
President Trump in Europe: how to discredit and dismantle an Alliance
At the G20 Summit that took place in Hamburg on 7-8 July, Presidents Putin and Trump met on at least three occasions. Two of them were...

Jul 31, 2017
On America’s Independence Day, North Korea successfully launched a missile that some experts assert can hit targets as far away as...

Jul 20, 2017
So for Kim Jung-un, or Kim the Third as I have called him, the support for his regime from Beijing and Moscow is absolutely...

Jan 23, 2017
The Gathering Storm
With Donald Trump now sworn in as the American President and Commander–in-Chief, here are some thoughts on where the world may be headed....

Jun 30, 2016
Ukraine and the Sino-Russian Relationship
This piece served as the basis for a presentation transmitted via Skype from Kiev, Ukraine to Kingston, Canada for a conference organized...

Feb 20, 2016
Reflections on the Sino-Russian Relationship
This article originally appeared at Whither the...

Oct 21, 2015
Russia, Syria, Ukraine – and the Rest of the World
Putin’s objectives in Syria have as much or more to do with Russian concerns about developments in the former Soviet Union as with the...

Sep 30, 2015
R2P and the Responsibility to Receive
In 2005, a UN World Summit that brought together governmental leaders from around the world agreed on a statement that broke new ground...

Aug 25, 2015
Knocking on the Door of World War IV
Introduction[1] The world is on a precipice. The international community faces a growing array of situations that could precipitate major...

Aug 6, 2015
Nukes: never again?
The sixth and ninth of August 2015 mark the seventieth anniversaries of the nuclear bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and...

Jul 21, 2015
Challenges facing the West – Part 5 of the World War IV Series
In this five-part series, I explore the development and scope of what I have termed World War IV. This series is based on my presentation...

Jul 20, 2015
Strong Points of the West – Part 4 of the World War IV Series
In this five-​part series, I explore the development and scope of what I term World War IV. This series is based on my presentation at...
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