Aug 8, 2019Ciber-EspeculaciónFoto de Buenos Aires el 16 de junio, disponible en la página web de Desdémona Despairs. El “apagón” en el sur de Sudamérica El 16 de...
Jul 9, 2019Cyber-SpeculationPhoto of Buenos Aires on 16 June, available on website of Desdemona Despairs The Meltdown in the South American South On 16 June, almost...
Jun 10, 2019¡Como No Derrocar a un Dictador!Foto: Los presidentes de Cuba y de Venezuela, Miguel Díaz-Canel y Nicolás Maduro (Cortesía de Nuestro País) Es bastante claro, por ahora,...
May 30, 2019On Dumping a DictatorThe Cuban and Venezuelan-Presidents, Miguel Díaz-Canel y Nicolás Maduro (courtesy of NUESTRO PAÍS) It is fairly clear now that despite...
Jan 13, 2017Part 2 — The Russo-American Big Energy Orgy: Bringing Big Energy BackIn the first part of this post, I argued that one of the more important back stories of the 2016 US elections was a Russian-American...
Jan 12, 2017Part 1 — The Russian-American Big Energy Orgy: Big Energy against the Backdrop of the US ElectionsMuch of the post-election chatter in the United States has focused on the relationship between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, and...
Jan 31, 2015El acercamiento entre los Estados Unidos y Cuba y su amplia repercusiónPublicado el dia 30 de enero 2015 en el Centre of Security Governance El 17 de diciembre pasado, los Estados Unidos y Cuba anunciaron que...
Jan 30, 2015The US-Cuba Rapprochement and its Broader ImplicationsThis blog appeared on the website of the Centre for Security Governance on 30 January 2015. On 17 December, the US and Cuba announced...